How do I restore Common Information from a closed form?
There are several types of data that you can restore to Common Information from a closed form. These are:
  • "Individual" data
  • "Vehicle" data
  • "Location" data
  • "Carrier" data
This set of instructions will show you how to restore "Individual" data to Common Information in order
to be used on a different form:
  1. Open the form that contains the desired "Individual" data
  2. Place the form in Edit mode by clicking on the Edit Form button (Possibly and issue for validated
    and approved forms)
  3. Select a field that contains the desired data; in this case we will select the "Driver: Last Name" field (see a list of recommended fields to select for different types of data)
  4. Right-click in the field and select "Copy"
  5. Open the External Information Manager by clicking on the button on the bottom-left side of the TraCS window:

    The left-hand side of your TraCS window should now look similar to this:
  6. Select "Clipboard" from the drop-down list:
  7. Locate the desired data, right-click on it and select "Move to External Info"
  8. Open the new form or "Target" form
  9. When selecting a fields that expects Individual data, "Defendant Name (Last/ Company)" in this case, the restored Individual data should show under the Individual section of External Information:
  10. Similarly, you can restore "Vehicle", "Location", and "Carrier" data.

Recommended fields to select in order to restore different types of data:
12-200 Fields 12-213 Fields
Individual Driver: Last Name
Owner: Last Name
Passenger/Witness: Last Name
Defendant Name (Last/Company)
Vehicle VIN
Vehicle License/Registration
Location Crash Occurred in (City/Borough)
Location of Offense
Carrier Carrier ID