TraCS is unable to connect to the following database(s) (SUPPORT)
If you get the following error message when logging into TraCS, please follow the instructions below to resolve the issue.

  1. CRITICAL: Close out of TraCS
  2. Open up a browser and go to
  3. Right-click on the file and select Save link as�
  4. In the Save As window, select Desktop from the left-hand side to save the file on the Desktop
  5. Click on the Save button
  6. If a folder containing the Support.mdb opens please close it
  7. Go to your Desktop and locate the file
  8. Right-click on the file and select Extract All �
  9. In the Extract Compressed (Zipped) Folders window make sure that the Show extracted files when complete checkbox is checked and then click on the Extract button
  10. A folder containing a Support.mdb file should open
  11. Right-click on the Support.mdb file and select Copy
  12. Go to the Start button in Windows
  13. Select Computer from the right-hand side
  14. Double-click on Local Disk (C:) to open it
  15. Double-click on the ProgramData folder to open it
  16. Double-click on the TraCS folder to open it
  17. Double-click on the DBData folder to open it
  18. Within the DBData folder, right-click on some of the white space and select Paste
  19. Select Copy and Replace when asked to click the file you want to keep:

  20. Log into TraCS and verify that the error message no longer shows up.
  21. You can delete the and the Support folder created on your Desktop if the issue is resolved.