TraCS Help Banner Carrier Name Source
Carrier Name Source

The CARRIER NAME SOURCE is the source of the name of the responsible motor carrier.

Motor carrier means:
  • an entity (company, individual, etc.) engaged in the transportation of goods or passengers for compensation; or
  • an entity (company, individual, etc.) that transports its own cargo, usually as a part of a business that produces, uses, sells, and/or buys the cargo that is being hauled; or
  • a private individual renting a personal rental vehicle over 10,000 lbs.
Select the appropriate option in the box provided.

00 - None use this option when a carrier name is not available from the vehicle, the driver, or the shipping papers.

01 - Driver/Vehicle

02 - Log Book

03 - Shipping Papers

04 - Trip Manifest

97 - Not Applicable should ONLY be used when this motor vehicle is NOT a:
  • commercial motor vehicle (see definition for commercial motor vehicle here),
  • government vehicle, or
  • personal rental vehicle over 10,000 lbs. operated by a private individual.
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